Student Life

Orange & Black

Orange and Black are not just Ensworth’s school colors; they are the basis of a long-standing spirited tradition that dates back to the 1960s. When students are in Kindergarten at Ensworth, they are assigned to the Orange or Black team, and they remain an “Orange” or “Black” throughout their time at the Lower/Middle School. Family members are always assigned to the same team, adding a generational element to the tradition. 
Since its founding, Ensworth has emphasized the total education of the individual—mental, physical, and moral. This attitude is reflected in the Orange and Black Competition, where athletic events, as well as achievements in the classroom, earn points for each team. The Orange and Black Competition teaches students about healthy competition and teamwork. They learn how to win or lose gracefully and how to carry out responsibilities as part of a team. The Orange and Black Competition also offers an opportunity for leadership, as each team elects a male and female Grade 8 student to serve as team captains for the year.

Students earn points throughout the year by making honor roll (Grades 6–8) or playing Tiger Trivia at lunch (Grades 3–5). Another chance to earn points happens during Field Day in May. Students from each team participate in a variety of different competitions such as the 4×1 relay, the long jump, medicine ball throw, the three-legged race, and more. The day ends with the final event, the Tug-of-War, in which all students from Grades 4–8 participate. Year-long totals are tallied, and the winning team is announced at the Middle School's final assembly of the year.
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