The Arts at Ensworth
Arts in the High School


Theater at Ensworth

The theater program offers a variety of electives for both actors and non-actors.

Theater Courses

List of 4 items.

  • Acting 1: Realism

    This course is designed to engage both first-time and experienced actors. Highly active in nature, the course utilizes the Blackbox Theater as a studio classroom where theater games and exercises are heavily relied upon to build both skills and relationships. The focal point of the course is an extended exploration of a scene study with a partner. Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie serves as our central text for scene study, which focuses on skills related to text analysis, character building and working with a partner. Acting journals offer students an opportunity to reflect on their progress in writing. 
  • Acting 2: Hyper-Realism

    While Acting 1 is grounded in the Russian/American tradition—an approach which puts a high premium on realism and which is often described as cerebral—Acting 2 emphasizes a more physical approach to acting. Grounded in techniques including European Clown, “the search for truth” in Acting 2 is often pursued through a more hyper-realistic tone. Course objectives continue to be pursued through scene studies. Analyzing a text, developing character and working well with one’s partners remain core objectives, while working within an active relationship with an audience is given increased focus and attention. 
  • Acting 3: Performance Theater

    Serious students of acting have the potential to satisfy their arts diploma requirements by continuing their studies through the masters level with Acting 3: Performance Theater. This course provides the premier curricular acting experience for students at the high school. Its purpose is to allow students with exceptional experience or talent to work within a select ensemble preparing a text for public performance. The class rehearses a challenging dramatic text selected specifically for the ensemble assembled. 
  • British Literature: The Shakespearean Stage

    Shakespeare’s plays were written as functional theater documents—tools used to enable performance. His language, likewise, was written to be spoken and heard rather than read. In this course, close readings, scene study performances, monologue work and writing inform our study of the plays. As a writing intensive course, we build upon writing skills that students have garnered in previous English courses, but this course also challenges students to actively engage the plays through the intimate process of memorization, rehearsal, and performance, enabling a depth of exploration that cannot be gained from the classroom or the stage alone. 

Theatrical Productions

Outside of the academic school day, students can be involved in several different theatrical productions staged throughout the year. Rehearsals for the Fall and Spring Play and the Musical are held after school. These productions serve as a great point of convergence for the larger student body as many participate who may have dedicated their academic time elsewhere. Students come together onstage for productions ranging from the classics, including Shakespeare, to new works created by students and guest artists, in addition to musicals such as “The Addams Family” and “Freaky Friday.” Students can also join our Technical Theatre Crew to help stage manage the overall productions while learning through the hands-on experience of working with lighting, set design, audio, and video.

Theater News

List of 3 news stories.

  • Briana Middleton '16

    Briana Middleton '16

    We love seeing you! Briana Middleton '16, voice and text coach extraordinaire, came back to campus to work with the cast of Cymbeline!
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  • Jack's Tale Returns

    The Ensworth theatre program’s recent production of Jack’s Tale not only served to allow students the opportunity to work with celebrated local guitarist and composer Paul Carrol Binkley, but it also gave new life to a beloved Nashville original. 
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  • Evan Cobb

    Artist in Residence Program through the Years

    Tiffany Townsend, Director of Marketing & Communications
    For the past eight years, High School students at Ensworth have benefited from the inspiration of artists through the Artist in Residence program.
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